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10 Questions to Ask While Interviewing Candidates For a Job

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10 Questions to Ask While Interviewing Candidates

Interviews can be just as stressful on the recruiter as on the candidate.  This is especially true when the recruiter is new to interviewing or when a lot is at stake when it comes to finding the right candidate.  One of the hardest parts about interviews is figuring out what to ask your candidates.  Agricultural Recruitment Specialists can help you out a bit in this sector because up next we are going to discuss the 10 best questions to ask during interviews so you can easily spot the best possible candidate for the job.

  1. How can you contribute to the company?

This question has multiple benefits to employers.  Firstly it gives you a good idea of just how well the candidate understands the position they are to fulfill within the business.  The candidate’s answers will also give you a good idea of just how much time the candidate spent on researching the job and company.

  1. Why should we hire you?

This is one of the best questions to include in your interview.  The question challenges the candidate to state his most positive benefits and to give information on how they believe they outshine other applicants. 

  1. If you could choose your entire career differently, how would you choose?

The question is good for determining some of the biggest decisions the candidate had to deal with in his life.  It is also a good question to determine the candidates ability to make good and calculated decisions and to determine their understanding of consequences to actions.

  1. What are your weaknesses?

This question is good for getting honest response from the candidate, especially if you also emphasize that you might contact the previous employer to enquire about the areas in which they need most improvement.

  1. Give information about the best superior you ever reported to.

The question is good for highlighting respect and work conduct in terms of superiors and the candidate’s expectations of these superiors.

  1. What motivates you?

This can be a good question to determine the goals and preferences of the candidate.  It is also a good piece of advice to keep the candidate’s performance level high on the job.

  1. What is the thing that frustrates you on the job?

The answer can be used to determine previous work relationships and the candidate’s exact work role within his previous job.

  1. What is the hardest negotiation you ever did?

The ability and method to negotiate can affect work conduct especially when the employee is not happy about something. 

  1. How do you involve subordinates in decision making?

The answer can give you good tips on how much the employee values subordinates as well as the level of respect he or she has for them.

  1. Where do you see yourself in the near future?

The answer to this question can give you a good idea whether or not the candidate is serious about the job and about making a successful career within your company.

While there are plenty of other questions to include in your interview we are sure that these 10 will without a doubt make it much easier to single out the best and brightest candidates for your particular job. 

Agricultural Recruitment Specialists are the UK and worldwide market leader in agricultural, farming, horticultural and food recruitment.

If you are looking for a new role, please send us your CV in complete confidence to info@agriRS.co.uk and one of our consultants will call you to discuss options.

Alternatively, if you are a client looking to grow your team, then please contact our highly successful team on 01905 345 155.

If you would like to find out more about Agricultural Recruitment Specialists Ltd, then please visit www.agriRS.co.uk