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How important are millennials for modern agriculture?

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Millennials are opting for careers in agriculture in increasing numbers and many are undertaking farm jobs to enhance their career opportunities and development.

Nowadays it's more important than ever for employers to look at ways of engaging and attracting a new type of workforce, as millennials have a specific set of unique qualities compared to generations that came before them. A workforce that is not only representative but can be sustained is important for the longevity of the agricultural industry.

Young people are increasingly looking for challenges so it comes as no surprise that there's a shift in the attitudes of millennials as they look for more traditional roles in agriculture.

What do millennials bring to the industry?

It comes as little surprise that as millennials have grown up with technology, they can use and implement new technologies in their career with relative ease. In fact, with modern farming and agriculture looking at new ways to move forward, drones and automated machinery is high on the agenda for many.

As the shift from traditional farming methods to more modern ways of doing things continues, the farming industry needs to ensure that millennials are interested and engaged in what's going on in the sector. The increased use of robotics and drones has already begun, with the aim of making farming even more efficient as a result.

Millennials have a strong sense of entrepreneurial spirit, which means they seek leadership roles and look to progress in their careers, or even start their own businesses. This is one of the key drivers for millennials when seeking new opportunities. They often want to make an impact by doing something they are passionate about and interested in.

This next generation of farmers will be innovative and tech-savvy, allowing farms to benefit from their knowledge and desire to provide growth and longevity for the future of agriculture.

It's important to think about wider engagement too when attracting millennials to agriculture jobs. As they've grown up with technology, much of their lives has been documented on social media. This gives them a unique understanding and set of skills when it comes to connecting to the wider public. This means that millennials working in agriculture can spread the message to a much wider group of peers compared to previous generations, getting the key messages out there for companies.

Millennials are increasingly flexible when it comes to their jobs and careers. They are often creative individuals who look at the bigger picture and adapt to change quickly and easily. In fact, they often have the motivation to succeed, which means they are keen to do their very best and do a good job. They often question why something is being done and what the benefit will be, which is a fresh approach to working and one that can have a hugely beneficial impact on agriculture.

How can you attract millennials to the industry?

By investing in the next generation, you can ensure that the industry goes from strength to strength as a result of the skills that millennials have to offer.

There's a continued image change when it comes to agriculture, which is helping to engage more millennials in the industry. This is important for this particular group, as they're often looking at ways to make a difference. They will be asking what a career in agriculture will allow them to do on a wider scale and what impact can they make as a result of their career choice.

STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) is high on the agenda in education and this has been the case for some years. This means that millennials are graduating and leaving training schemes seeking jobs that are related to their specific skills and educational achievements. STEM has a place in agriculture, so it's important to develop and harness the skills that these subjects and, most importantly graduates bring. This means opening up the opportunities that you have available to engage millennials of this calibre. Not only will this have a positive impact for the industry as a whole, it ensures that your workforce is engaged and focused in what they're doing by bringing a strong sense of passion to their role.

Millennials are looking for opportunities where they can make a difference, so they often want their career choices to have a purpose. This means that the work they undertake needs to be meaningful. This generation needs to feel that the work they're doing will enable them to make a statement and this needs to be done on a regular basis so that they continue to progress in their chosen career. By putting these messages across when advertising your roles, it means that more millennials become engaged and see the message that you're hoping to spread. Showing purpose is a key driver in successfully engaging and recruiting millennials to roles in agriculture and farming, so it's important that your adverts are able to do this consistently.

Arguably, millennials place a far greater emphasis on values than any generation that's come before them. This means that when they look for their next opportunity, they're seeking approval of their personal interests and clarification of the values that a company holds. This is why it's so important for employers to get their brand right so that millennials see behind the smoke and mirrors of what's put out and can get a real sense of what the company is all about. Millennials are continually looking for positions that match their interests and one of the ways that they're doing this is by seeking opportunities in companies that have similar values to their own.

Millennials are an important group for the future of farming and agriculture and it's important for companies to get their message across in a clear way. It's also vital for companies to engage the very best talent and attract them to roles by looking at new ways to use technology, both to advertise but also for the jobs that they need to fill. Millennials have grown up with technology and use it on a daily basis, so it's important to think about ways of opening up the job market so that they can put these skills to good use to ensure that agriculture continues to play an important role in society as a whole by attracting the very best talent.

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