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Ten reasons to choose a career in horticulture

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If you are a school leaver and wondering what direction you should be taking in life in terms of a career, then have you considered a career in horticulture? This is a perfect career choice if you have a love of plants and growing fruit or veg, enjoy being outdoors with your hands in the earth and have a passion for science. If you love all these things, then a career in horticulture may be just right for you. Below we explain what a horticulturist does and ten reasons to choose this exciting career path.

What exactly is a horticulturist?

A horticulturist uses science to propagate and grow plants. This knowledge helps farmers and any business or organisation that grows fruit, vegetables, plants or flowers. The primary focus is very much in the prevention of disease and pest infestation, helping plants to grow and thrive.

1. Wide variety of horticultural jobs on offer

The career of a horticulturist can be an exciting one with many different types of jobs to choose from. As a school leaver, you will have so many fresh ideas and will welcome the challenges and excitement of working in the field of horticulture. The horticultural industry is a well-established one, but strangely the number of people embarking on this career path is low, meaning that there are many opportunities out there for you. These include working in greenhouse management, groundcare, in a nursery, garden centre and parks.

2. You get to work outdoors

This is an obvious reason but it does need to be mentioned. You will be spending a huge chunk of your time outdoors, taking samples, being surrounded by nature, all while working with your hands. If you want to ditch the office and sitting behind a desk for hours on end then horticulture is perfect for you. There will be days when you need to be in the office, but the majority of your time will be spent surrounded by greenery.

3. Earn as you learn

One huge advantage of embarking on your horticultural journey is that you can earn while you learn. There are so many apprenticeships and government schemes out there that will fund you while you learn on the job. This obviously has a huge impact on your finances, meaning that you don't have to get into debt and can be more independent.

4. Maintain the importance of green spaces

We all know the importance of our green spaces and maintaining them at their absolute best. This is to benefit not only our physical health and social needs but also our mental health. You will be a huge part of this regeneration, especially if working in parks and gardens that are located in inner cities.

5. Help to produce locally grown food

If you choose to work with fruit and vegetable production, then you can be part of helping local nurseries and retailers to grow their own crops in a safe and nourishing environment that is pest and disease free. This fruit and veg will be fresh and will provide an alternative to the fruit and veg that is shipped in from overseas. You could be integral in helping locally grown companies to lead the way in organic food.

6. A real sense of purpose

If you want a job that gives you a sense of purpose and fulfilment, then the world of horticulture is definitely for you. Your work will have far-reaching benefits to the wider community and will greatly impact the lives of those who see, eat or experience what you help to grow. Horticulturists really do have a huge impact on all of our lives from what we eat through to the medicinal world.

7. You are part of the bigger picture

Horticulture is an incredibly old profession, and although it has now embraced the techno world and has gone through many changes, fundamentally it is the same as it ever was. Working with plants is not only rewarding in and of itself; you will also have the satisfaction of knowing that you play a vital role in the bigger picture. Plants will continue to feed, heal and soothe our minds, and you will be integral in aiding the biodiversity necessary to sustain our planet for the future.

8. A job that you love

We should all do a job that we love, and if you love tending to plants, watching them grow and finding out how best they flourish and in what conditions, then this could be your dream job. Doing a job you love will make it easier to get out of bed in the morning and helps to create positive mental health which has a knock-on effect for those around you. Gardening and nature are well known to be relaxing pursuits, and when you work with pants for a living you not only help yourself but others.

9.The landscape horticulturist

As a horticulturist, you can join forces with a landscaping or construction company in the development of the site, such as any trees, flowers and plants. You can advise on the correct type of plants to use and the best ways to irrigate the soil. You will know how to choose plants for a particular environment or soil type, and the nutrients that they need. You will be heavily involved in all aspects of landscaping care, including budget planning.

10. Branch into research

Although most horticultural work is based outdoors, you can also choose to branch out into horticultural research. This very much focuses on the evolution of plants and the growth of plants in a controlled environment to work out how best to cultivate them. Laboratory conditions are used to conduct such experiments, along with scientific knowledge and equipment. So, if you love science as much as you love plants, this is the perfect route for you.

If you are considering a career in horticulture and are wondering about the range and type of horticultural jobs that are available to you, then we can help. Agricultural Recruitment Specialists focus on both the horticultural and agricultural industry and on finding the latest horticulture jobs in the UK and the wider world. To learn more about how we can help you find your ideal horticulture job, then please do get in touch with us today. Please vist our website to find out more: www.agriRS.co.uk