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​Forests cover 31% of the Earth’s land and are extremely important for human survival. Not only do they purify water and air, but they also reduce soil erosion and help slow down global warming. Forestry is also an industry that employs a large number of people, both directly and indirectly – approximately13.2 million people hold jobs in the forestry industry, with an additional 41 million holding jobs that relate to the industry.

Careers in Forestry

Forestry refers to the conservation and management of forested and woodland areas. The industry isn’t limited to trees – it also takes into account entire ecosystems, soil health, and forest cycles. Because of these different aspects, there are various career options in forestry, ranging from jobs that require a lot of physical labour to more lab-based positions. Additionally, as people take issues like climate change more seriously, there has been an increase in jobs focusing on forest conservation and sustainability. Therefore, no matter your preference, there are plenty of jobs to choose from when it comes to forestry.

Practical Work

This includes work such as logging, which involves sourcing the raw material for the production of certain goods. This is one of the most labour-intensive jobs in the field and involves a lot of time outdoors. Even in the logging field, individuals can choose among different jobs, including acting as fallers, buckers, choke setters, and tree climbers. Others can operate equipment or work in inspection as log scalers and graders. Logging can also include building and repairing logging roads or preparing trees and other raw materials for shipping.

Production, Transport, and Logistics

Forests and trees play a large role in the production of consumer goods and are used to make everything from paper products to furniture. Individuals can work in this sector to supply raw materials to produce goods and can work in areas like transport or logistics to ensure timely deliveries and future supplies.


While forestry is amazing and forests can provide both, humans and animals with many benefits, the natural world can be dangerous. This has resulted in jobs that focus on safety, which range from fighting fire to keeping trails safe. Fire ecologists, for example, study fires, while wildland firefighters work to control and contain wildfires. Forest rangers, on the other hand, work as law enforcement while also gathering data or monitoring wildlife.

Individuals can also opt for jobs like that of recreation technicians, who work to secure areas such as campgrounds and trails for the public.


Forests are extremely important when it comes to human survival. Not only do they purify the air and provide protection for watersheds, but they also help prevent soil erosion, and lead to cooler air and increased rainfall. Because of all these reasons, it is essential to work towards conservation, especially when deforestation is on the rise. According to the WWF, over 43 million hectares of forest were lost between 2004 and 2017 alone.

Because of this, conservation is a large field within forestry. Soil scientists, for example, can help improve the health of soil by studying its composition. Wildlife biologists work on how to reduce human impact on wildlife populations and can work towards restoring habitats. Conservation scientists, on the other hand, are tasked with protecting natural resources and trying to utilize such resources in a sustainable way.


The forestry industry includes everything from logging to safety, and there is administrative work required on all fronts. This is where managers come in – from forest logging managers to rangeland managers, there are a variety of jobs available for those who prefer work in management.

Woodland managers are also often responsible for overseeing timber production and conservation efforts and may advise clients and woodland owners on good practice, public access, and more. In addition to supervision, managers are expected to liaise with others, keep up with improvements, and handle budgets and financial documents.


A career in forestry can also extend to education, with individuals being able to educate people of all ages, from students to departments of companies. The importance of forestry is undeniable and going into education can be a great way to influence the next generation of workers in forestry.


Research is an important part of every field, but this is especially true for forestry. With increasing deforestation and wildfires, it is more important than ever to study forestry and come up with viable solutions to the various problems put forward. Silviculturists, for example, can help protect woodland areas from pests and disease through their work and research.

Forest and conservation technicians, on the other hand, are known for data collection, including keeping records on forest conditions, potential hazards, etc.

Law and Policy

Law and policy in forestry include things like preventing logging and clear-cutting in certain areas, preservation efforts, and policies that help to protect the environment. Careers can range from government jobs to private contracts, with opportunities to work in think-tanks, law firms, as consultants, etc.

Finding Jobs in Forestry

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