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Farm Manager Recruitment

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Farm Manager Recruitment

Farm management is one of the most popular career choices for job seekers in the agriculture sector, with farm managers not only overseeing business and operations but also carrying out daily tasks required to run a farm or estate properly. In this field, you can work in crop production, dairy production, or animal rearing, and it’s also possible to work with all three simultaneously.

Because it’s a popular career choice, many think of farm manager recruitment as easy. However, this is a tough vacancy to fill. In this article, we’ll discuss what farm management consists of, why the job is a difficult one to fill and how to remedy this.

What Do Farm Managers Do?

In addition to overseeing business-related aspects and staff, farm managers are responsible for organising farm administration and implementing strategies and solutions to maximise efficiency and yield on the farm.

Farm managers’ responsibilities are varied and include production, financial planning, practical activities on the farm itself, maintenance and repair, buying supplies, training and monitoring staff and ensuring that crops or animals are ready for sale at markets or auctions or via a distribution channel. In addition to this, they are in charge of maintaining health and safety standards, monitoring animal welfare, monitoring quality and making emergency/contingency plans.

The job is also highly lucrative – according to Prospects UK, farm assistants and farming trainees start out at £20,000 salaries, but earn up to £35,000 once they reach the position of “Farm Manager.” Additionally, with experience and time in the industry, farm managers can earn upwards of £50,000, with those advising and consulting having the potential to earn as much as £70,000 or even more. Some international jobs can command much higher salaries.

Why Is Farm Manager Recruitment Difficult?

Whilst the fulfilling nature and lucrative nature of the job may result in plenty of applicants, farm manager recruitment isn’t at all straightforward. The job is complicated and requires high levels of skill and experience. Farm managers are on call almost 24/7 and are especially stretched thin during busy seasons like harvesting and lambing. From high levels of stress to necessary travel, the job is far from simple. It’s also one with a lot of responsibility, making it essential to pick the right person for the job.

How Can Agricultural Recruitment Specialists Help With Farm Manager Recruitment?

Agricultural Recruitment Specialists are experts in finding the best farming talent to fill farm manager vacancies. This is because of a variety of reasons, the most popular of which we’ve mentioned below.

Extensive Network

We have access to thousands of candidates that have specifically and solely registered with Agricultural Recruitment Specialists in order to help them to find their next farm job. On LinkedIn alone, we have close to 250,000 company followers.

Specialist Knowledge

We understand farming and the jobs that are required on farm, so you are in safe hands. Additionally, since we specialise in the agricultural industry, we have industry-wide connections to narrow down the niche skills you need.

High-Quality Candidates

Searching for farm managers on your own brings up results, but these aren’t the same high-quality leads that an agricultural recruitment specialists can provide. This is because the best in the business may already be hired elsewhere or signed with an agency. We have access to highly qualified candidates that may be perfect for your organisation. Our pool of candidates includes pre-vetted individuals and candidates from professional networks. Because of this, you eliminate the risk of hiring someone who isn’t qualified for the job you’re advertising.

Hiring Specialists

The agricultural industry is a large and varied one, and there are many different jobs available. You may not need a traditional farm manager, but one for a farm that utilises precision farming or robotic farming. These niche skills aren’t widely available in the industry, and it can be difficult to fill such positions. Agricultural Recruitment Specialists make this easy because we have pre-vetted and highly qualified candidates. We can also filter out irrelevant or unsuitable applications, leaving behind the relevant ones. (Saving you both time and money).

Efficient and Quick

The recruitment process is long and hectic, especially when you’re looking for a farm manager. The job has different facets to it, all of which must be addressed. If you’re operating a large farm or rural estate, the chances are that you’re already busy with daily operations and don’t have time to vet candidates and manage the overall recruitment process effectively.

Agricultural Recruitment Specialists have the knowledgeable staff to thoroughly vet candidates to ensure that they’re right for the job. At Agricultural Recruitment Specialists, we have pre-vetted candidates that we can call upon and save you time and effort. This way, the hiring process doesn’t have to interfere with daily farm operations, and you don’t have to deal with the cumbersome vetting process, which includes going through CVs, looking through applications, conducting interviews, keeping all applicants informed, narrowing down prospects and much more.

More Affordable

We’ve mentioned that the hiring process is time-consuming. However, it’s also expensive. Many firms prefer to outsource their agricultural recruitment because of how costly it can be. In addition to advertising and conducting interviews, it may also include on-board training, and more. Agricultural Recruitment Specialists take care of all of this for you and bring down the cost of hiring new employees.

Additionally, since the process is so much quicker, there’s no need to pay temporary employees while a new candidate is being vetted and hired. This also saves on costs, making the entire process more affordable. By putting your trust in a recruitment agency that specialises in agriculture, you ensure that you’re getting a candidate that won’t need to be replaced in a few months. This also saves on staff turnover costs.

Rely on Agriculture Recruitment Specialists to Further Your Recruitment Efforts

Whether you’re a large farm estate, an agricultural college, or a food production company, we know the importance of finding the right candidate for your needs. You may be looking for a farm manager or an agricultural consultant – either way, Agricultural Recruitment Specialists can help. Our expertise in the agriculture, horticulture, food and farming sectors can ensure the best candidates for your organisation. We recruit globally and can find employees at all levels, from fresh graduates to executive-level candidates.

Our recruitment model saves you time and money whilst also ensuring that you find the best farming talent on the market. We also strive to build long-term partnerships, as is evidenced by our high return-client rate. Take advantage of our comprehensive client services by calling us at 01905 345 155 or reaching out to us here.