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15 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Agriculture

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The agriculture sector is one of the largest in the world. The world’s total population is expected to reach 9.9 billion by 2050. This rapid increase in population is boosting the demand for agriculture to cater for the increased demand. The agriculture industry is filled with amazing facts.

Let's tell you just some of them.

15 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Agriculture

Contrary to popular belief, there is a lot more to agriculture than cows and ploughs! Here are 15 interesting things you probably didn’t know about agriculture.

1. Agriculture is the Largest Employer in the World

The agriculture industry is full of job opportunities ranging from desk jobs to field work; there is something for everyone. One of the most interesting facts about the agriculture industry is that it is the single largest employer in the world,employing 40 per cent of the global population.

The opportunities in the agriculture sector are endless. If you want to enter this ever-growing industry filled with learning and growth opportunities, thenAgriculture Recruitment Specialists are here to help you to navigate the process and connect you with some of the biggest brands all over the world.

2.  Nearly Everything We Eat and Wear is A Product of Agriculture

Look around you and you will find that almost everything you eat or wear comes from the crops and livestock raised on farms; hence are a product of the ever-growing agricultural industry. The list of products is just too long to list, ranging from cotton and wool to all kinds of fruits and vegetables.

3. Farmers Must Increase Their Food Production by 70% to Cater to the Growing Population by 2025

The world’s population is increasing daily and so is the demand for agricultural products. Overall food production needs to increase by 70 per centnot only to cater to the demands of this richer and more urbanised population, but also to avoid food shortages and risks of global hunger. The increasing social, political and economic factors create hunger issues that can only be dealt with by increased agricultural activities.

4. One Acre of Farming Land is Equivalent to the Size of an American Football Field

Farms have to be large enough to produce large volumes of food to meet the local and international demand for food. Have you ever wondered how big farming land really is? An acre of farming land is around the same size as an american football field, i.e. 48,000 square feet.

5. 43% of the Global Agriculture Consists of Women

Women represent a significant percentage(around 43%)of the global agriculture sector. In developing countries, women are responsible for 60% to 80% of food production.In many farming communities, they serve as experts in farming with a lot of knowledge on a wide range of crop varieties.

 6. Organic Farming Produces Ten Times the Profit of Conventional Farming

The aim of organic farming is to improve and conserve soil health using sustainable farming methods. It is highly labour intensive and requires 2.5 times more labour than conventional farming. However, despite the labour cost, it yields ten times more profits.Organic farms’ input costs are low, leading to huge cost savings for farmers.

7. The Majority of the Farms Worldwide are Family-Owned

Approximately 56 per cent of the total food production comes from family-owned farms. Small families run over 57 million farms across the world. These family-owned businesses vary from smallholdings to large farms where revolutionised farming practices are used.

8. A Huge Percentage of Farmers are High-Tech

Farmers are a lot more high-tech than people generally perceive. It is no longer how it was taught to us in historical books where all tasks involved manual labour. Over the years, farming practices have have evolved, agritech has become huge and farmers have invested in high-tech machinery to make their lives easier and increase their production and processes.

9. Pesticide Residues are Affecting Food Safety

Pesticides are used for the protection of crops against insects and other pests. However, since the residue is not visible in the food, people tend to underestimate the side effects. It is important to note that pesticides are a potential health hazard to both humans and animals.

10. There is a Global Shortage of People Working in the Agriculture Sector

In simple words, there aren’t enough workers in the agriculture sector to match the increased demand for agricultural goods. The number of job openings exceeds the number of candidates available to fill them. Where there is less supply for demand, this can increase the wages and salaries of available workers, making it an attractive industry to work in.

11. Organic Food Production Does Not Involve the Use of Synthetic Fertilisers or Pesticides

Organic farming practices uses natural pesticides, including mineral salts and naturally extracted pesticides from plants. These pesticides are less harmful than the ones used in traditional farming methods.

12. Wheat Is The Most Popular Grain Directly Consumed by Humans

Wheat is one of the world's most significant staple crops. It is increasing in demand, especially in places where urbanisation and industrialisation are rising. Wheat is the grain most consumed by humans owing to its health benefits and multiple uses.

13. The Natural Pesticides Used in Organic Farming May Not Always Be The Best Thing for the Crops

It is common for people to assume that natural pesticides pose no risk or harm to the environment. However, that is not always the case. Organic farming can involve using natural pesticides like pyrethrin, which breaks down quickly in the environment compared to traditional pesticides. This fast breakdown creates the need for multiple applications, which also destroys helpful insects. Moreover, tillage and cultivation in organic farming can result in soil erosion. However, conventional farming practices focus on reducing tillage.

14. Industrial Farming Practices Carry the Risk of Spreading Viruses from Animals to Humans

Intensive industrial farming practices can produce genetic similarities within livestock, making them vulnerable to pathogens and keeping them close increases the spread of viruses, which can then be passed on to humans.

15. Around 9.2% of the Total Population of the World is Food Insecure

Despite there being enough food for the global population, around 829 million people still go hungry and around 9.2 per cent of the people in the world are food insecure.


So, are you intrigued enough to have a career in agriculture? If yes, click here to contact Agricultural Recruitment Specialists, and our team of expert recruiters will help you to navigate the process. We are known for connecting the finest agricultural & farming talent with the best brands and organisations throughout the world.