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A Guide to Farming Jobs in the UK

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Farming Jobs

Exploring career opportunities in the agricultural sector reveals a burgeoning demand for farming jobs in the UK. The post-Brexit landscape, coupled with the evolving needs of our global food supply chain, has ushered in a new era of job openings in agriculture. This surge underscores the critical importance and the diverse range of roles available within the farming industry.

For students and fresh graduates contemplating their career paths, understanding the benefits and the vast array of farming jobs available is crucial. Agriculture is not just about traditional farming; it spans a wide spectrum of roles from farm management to agricultural technology, offering a dynamic and rewarding career path. This blog aims to shed light on the diverse opportunities within farming jobs in the UK, providing a comprehensive guide to embarking on a career in this essential and evolving sector.

Why Choose a Career in Farming?

Before moving to explore the diverse jobs in farming in the UK, let's first look at why choosing a career in the agricultural field is beneficial for you.

Farming is an Essential Job Category

The recent pandemic highlighted the indispensable nature of various job sectors, distinguishing essential roles from the rest.  Since farming is at the base of ensuring adequate food supply, it is considered a vital job category. The pandemic did not really affect the sector - people need to eat after all! Farming jobs, instrumental in ensuring a stable food supply, emerged as vital. This resilience against crises underscores reassuring job security in the agricultural field, confirming that opportunities in farming are not only essential but enduring. The inherent necessity of farming jobs ensures their perpetual demand, offering career stability unmatched by many other sectors.

Diverse Roles in Farming

The best part about farming, and all agricultural jobs, are the diverse roles in the sector. Just because you studied farming doesn’t mean you can only be a farmer. Depending on your interests, you can enter farming-related management, consultancy, etc.

All these categories still include farming knowledge and expand into other areas, increasing learning and growth potential. Once you have the knowledge in the sector, your skills can be transferable.

Not only that, but pivoting from other sectors into agriculture is possible also. Recently we published a blog on this very subject, whichyou can read here

So no matter your background, or area of study, there are a wide variety of  farming roles that will suit your skill set and interests.

Global Demand for Farming

Farming is a part of every country because they need to create their food supply system to remain functional. Therefore, farming jobs are available in each country, and you can safely relocate elsewhere, knowing there will be a market for your knowledge and expertise.

Technology Integrated Future

Technology is becoming more integrated with farming jobs and whilst we may not see increased usage of crop picking robots yet, you will see the industry becoming more futuristic and embracing more agricultural technology. If you like technology applications and studying them in diverse fields, the agricultural sector will be perfect for you.

Farming Jobs in the UK

There are several farming jobs in the UK that you can consider based on your preferences, skills and expertise.

1. Farm Administration

Farm administration primarily involves clerical and administrative roles on a farm. You will be the primary bookkeeper and manage all invoices. Your role will also include managing ordering supplies on the farm, often including receiving materials like fertilisers etc.

2. Farm Consultancy

Farm consultancy opens up as an option after you have been in the industry and have enough experience and expertise for advisory. You will understand the overall management of a farm and issues that are important to farmers. The role will allow you to use your knowledge to help other farmers improve their finances, productivity, growth and development.

An Agricultural Consultant will also use data analysis to offer strategic and technical advisory that takes current and future industry movements into account. All in all, it is an exciting job to take up, as you will be at the forefront of new agricultural developments.

3. Farm Management

Farm management is extensive because of the number of responsibilities a farm manager has, as well as the different types of farms that you can manage. You will need to be on top of budget control, needs analysis, supply and demand management, etc. You will also be the main point of coordination between several farming locations and responsible for raw material distribution and harvest collection from each farmland.

You will essentially be responsible for ensuring that the farm operations run smoothly at all times and may even have other staff workers to manage.

4. Farm Marketing and Sales

Farm marketing and sales are often covered within farm management, but they are increasingly becoming a separate division due to the work involved. This area within farming covers all the marketing communication, new customer acquisition and customer account management.

People in farm marketing are the client facing side of farming and work on improving client experience and retention.

Farm sales jobs predominantly cover the selling process itself. Farm sales people can sell anything from machinery, to animal feed and more. Within sales, there is the chance for the employee to specialise in a particular area, gain product knowledge, whilst having a higher earning potential, as often sales jobs will include commission and/or bonuses.

5. Farm Technicians

Farm technicians are responsible for accurate time testing and research to ensure there are no signs of disease. Your job will be split between sample collection on the farm from crops and livestock and conducting research on them in the laboratory.

This role requires specialised knowledge in the field, so you will need to obtain the relevant certification and qualifications if you are interested in pursuing a career in this area.

6. Farm Trading

Farm trading involves buying and selling crops, seeds and/or grains based on market trends. Like all traders, farm traders leverage their ability to analyze and forecast demand changes, predict the demand curves for crops and farming materials, and buy and sell accordingly.

While it is closer to finance, the job requires the person to have farming knowledge to understand the market successfully.

7. Estate Manager

Estate managers do not work on farms. They work for landowners who need someone to manage their vast estates, keeping the land healthy and presentable at all times. The nature of job requirements differs from client to client as people have different preferences.

Some prefer to convert their estate into a garden, whilst others prefer to keep things simple. Your workload will depend on which type of client you get and the estate itself.

8. Agronomy

Agronomy specialists are scientists who study soil control and crop management. They use their scientific knowledge to determine ways to maximize productivity without compromising soil health and increasing the nutrition in each crop.

They also examine lands for diseases or pests and determine the best ways to keep the land healthy. They are then able to make product recommendations based on their findings.

Useful links:

How Agricultural Recruitment Specialists Can Help

Agricultural Recruitment Specialists is a recruitment agency dedicated to recruiting candidates in the agricultural, food and farming field. Since this industry is broad, employers have diverse skill requirements for the jobs they offer. Similarly, candidates also have different expectations from their employers and finding the right fit is critical.

With our agricultural backgrounds and recruitment expertise, we are the first point of contact for both candidates and clients.

If you are looking for agriculture or farming jobs in the UK, visit our website www.agriRS.co.uk . You can also contact us if you have any queries about our services and our team will answer them as soon as possible.

FAQ - Farming Jobs in the UK

Why should I consider a career in farming?

Choosing a career in farming offers several advantages: it is considered an essential sector, providing job security even in emergencies like pandemics. The field is diverse, offering roles beyond traditional farming in areas like management and consultancy. There’s a global demand for agricultural expertise, allowing for international career opportunities. Additionally, farming is rapidly integrating with technology, presenting new and exciting challenges for those interested in tech.

What types of jobs are available in the UK's agricultural sector?

The UK agricultural sector offers a variety of roles including Farm Administration, Farm Consultancy, Farm Management, Farm Marketing and Sales, Farm Technicians, Farm Trading, Estate Management, and Agronomy. Each of these roles caters to different interests and skill sets, from administrative tasks and strategic consultancy to technical and scientific research roles.

Can I work in farming if my interest lies in technology?

Yes, the agricultural sector is increasingly incorporating technology into its operations. Roles like Farm Technicians and certain aspects of Farm Management involve working with agricultural technology, from testing and research to implementing new farming techniques. This integration of technology offers a future-forward career path for those with an interest in tech.

How do I find a job in farming in the UK?

Finding a job in the UK's agricultural sector can be facilitated by agricultural recruitment specialists, who connect candidates with employers looking for specific skills and experience. These specialists have a deep understanding of the sector's needs and can help navigate the job market effectively. Websites dedicated to agricultural recruitment, like www.agriRS.co.uk, are great resources for job seekers.

Is there a demand for farming jobs globally?

Yes, farming is a fundamental part of every country's infrastructure, ensuring food supply and security. This global necessity means there is always a demand for skilled professionals in the agricultural sector, offering opportunities to work not just in the UK but internationally as well.

What is the role of Agricultural Recruitment Specialists?

At Agricultural Recruitment Specialists we act as an intermediary between job seekers and employers in the agriculture sector. We understand the diverse needs of both parties, making us well-equipped to match candidates with suitable job opportunities. Our expertise in recruitment and deep knowledge of the agricultural industry is invaluable for those looking to start or advance their careers in farming.

How can technology integration impact my career in farming?

Technology integration in farming opens up new career paths focused on innovation and efficiency in agricultural practices. This can range from roles in developing and deploying new farming technologies, to managing high-tech farming operations. Embracing technology in farming can lead to positions at the forefront of agricultural innovation, offering a dynamic and evolving career landscape.