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8 Reasons Why Agriculture Is A Great Industry To Work In!

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8 Reasons Why Agriculture Is A Great Industry To Work In!

When people think about agriculture, they tend to think about farmers, tending the fields, looking after crops or livestock. You may be thinking I don’t want to be a farmer, so agriculture isn’t for me. But think again and have a read of these eight reasons why Agricultural Recruitment Specialists believe that agriculture is great to work in (and it’s not all about being a farmer)...

1. Agriculture is huge

Agriculture isn’t just about farming, it has an enormous range of career opportunities, including in plant sciences, technology, the food sector, and more. The number and type of employers looking for new workers are vast, with 66,000 job openings between 2012 and 2020, and the employment rate for agricultural degree graduates who are seeking employment is 100%.

The massive food and drink sector rests on the backbone of the farming sector, which means in agriculture, there are jobs for everything in between the farm and the store. Plus, there is a whole range of industries supporting the farming sector, such as food sciences and crop researchers.

There is also a large agri-supply industry, which specialises in selling inputs, including seeds, fertiliser and machinery, to farmers. All of these need research and development teams, creative marketers, and digital experts and so on.

There is a job waiting for you in the agricultural sector, no matter what your skills are.

2. Agriculture is a high-tech sector

If you are looking for a job that is in an industry that uses the latest developments in engineering and science, then agriculture is the place for you.

There is a huge need for the agricultural sector to keep up with and advance science and engineering discoveries which ultimately help those on the ground to be able to keep up with rising demand.

There are huge problems yet to be solved, and many exciting possibilities to uncover. Working in agriculture means every day will be a new and exciting adventure, and rarely are any two days the same.

If you’re a fan of drones, robots, cutting-edge AI and GPS systems, then welcome to the new world of farming. With more and more technology becoming available, if you’re trained in this area, demand for your skills is only going to grow.

3. It will employ you

Agriculture is one of the rare sectors where you don’t need an agriculture degree or qualifications to get started. Though, if you do have such a qualification, then you are almost guaranteed to get a job, as agricultural graduates are in very high demand.

Because there are so many different and interesting jobs in agriculture, you’re bound to find one you love and that matches your own unique skills and talents to a tee.

4. The money is good

Agriculture pays better than the national average, it has better retention and satisfaction rates and is more likely to give you perks such as company cars, accommodation and mobile phones. From 2015 to 2016, the average wage rose by 7 per cent, well above inflation.

Taking into account the perks and wages, almost everyone in the agricultural sector comes out on top when compared to similar positions in other sectors. This means, you’re more likely to get employed and you’re more likely to be paid more than any other sector.

5. We will always need agriculture

The population is growing exponentially and this means more food and drink is needed. One of the biggest problems in today’s society is knowing how we will feed them tomorrow.

A huge part of the agricultural sector is devoted to solving this problem, and if you’re part of it, you may well be making history.

Like every industry, agriculture does have its ups and downs and it really does make a difference if you do your research into the companies you decide to work for.

In the long term, demand for agriculture is only going to rise, and with it, the job opportunities and salaries will too. So if you’re in it for the long haul, you’ll find a job in agriculture is a good place to be.

6. You get to be outdoors

Okay, so not everyone gets to be outdoors all of the time. But there are a number of jobs that involve travelling to farms and through the country and getting fresh air while doing so (all expenses paid) and there aren’t many jobs that can say that.

Being in nature has been proven time and time again to be good for your health and wellbeing and so, even if your job only occasionally brings you out to some of the most rural and beautiful parts of the countryside, it’s still doing your health wonders.

Some jobs also allow you to live where you work as part of the perks of the job. So for example, if you look after a farmer’s livestock, you will usually be given accommodation in what is usually a very nice area. This also has the perk of completely removing your commute.

7. You don’t need to come from a farming background

Agriculture is an industry with a large problem. It doesn’t have enough people for what it needs. It is predicted that by 2020 there will be a shortfall of 60,000 empty vacancies. This means that agriculture companies are trying to attract more recruits in, in order to fill the gap.

Realising that part of the shortfall is down to restricting vacancies to only those with qualifications or direct experience in the sector, agriculture jobs have been opened up to consider other applicants with relevant transferable skills and experiences.

This means, if you are reading this thinking ‘oh gosh, I wish I had studied agriculture, this all sounds like my dream job’, then fear not. You can apply for an agricultural job too, and you may just be accepted.

The industry has also created an initiative called Bright Crop, which aims to attract young talented people into agriculture.

8. You’ll be making a difference

The work done in agriculture today passes on something to those tomorrow. Whether you are working on the latest technology and research or continuing a long family tradition, agricultural jobs leave a legacy like no other.

You’re working on feeding the masses, ending food poverty and making the world a happier place. As custodians of the environment, farmers play an important role in keeping the countryside green, so that future generations can continue in a career that has lasted millennia.

So, if you're now sold on agriculture as your dream job, why not have a look at the exciting opportunities we have available for you today. We've made it easier than ever to find the jobs you want. Simply browse the available jobs on our site now, or sign in with your LinkedIn profile and we'll recommend jobs that are best suited to you.


Employment rates for graduates after 3.5 years: https://www.hesa.ac.uk/data-and-analysis/publications/long-destinations-2012-13

Pay increase and demand increase for future: https://careersmart.org.uk/occupations/agricultural-and-fishing-trades

Bright Crop: http://www.brightcrop.org.uk/

66,000 vacancies and higher than average wages: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/391911/15.01.05._UKCES_Career_Brochure_V13_reduced.pdf

Agricultural Recruitment Specialists are the UK and worldwide market leader in agricultural, farming, horticultural and food recruitment. 

If you are looking for a new role, please send us your CV in complete confidence to info@agriRS.co.uk and one of our consultants will call you to discuss your options. 

Alternatively, if you are a client looking to grow your team, then please contact our highly successful team on 01905 345 155.

If you would like to find out more about Agricultural Recruitment Specialists Ltd, then please visit www.agriRS.co.uk