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Specialist Jobs and Careers in the Field of Poultry Production

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Poultry sales have held firm in the UK, and as consumers look for alternatives to chicken, sales of game birds, duck, and turkey have steadily increased. For those interested in farming, poultry jobs offer a wealth of opportunities for skilled workers in all aspects of agricultural recruitment.

General farm hands assist with daily farm duties, and the care of the livestock, including cleaning and checking feed and water, and record keeping. Packing and grading of eggs is one production aspect of poultry farming. Poultry hands and hatchery assistants will gain considerable stockmanship experience, and this is a valuable step in moving on to other agricultural service jobs. Many of the poultry jobs can be started as apprenticeships, allowing workers to earn as they learn.

Workers who move up from senior poultry hand or leading hand positions likewise grow their responsibility. They supervise a number of workers as well as all the aspects of egg and meat production. With more experience and training, options such as production manager and business manager positions become available. This work concentrates less on day-to-day care of poultry, but requires significant planning and resource management skills in order to keep production running smoothly.

Poultry jobs are not only limited to farm hands, maintenance workers or transporters. Modern farming relies on many sophisticated machines, and future farms may even need software engineers and technicians more than they will need mechanical engineers. Marketing and sales play a huge role in the poultry industry and its potential growth.

Other careers requiring specialist training are also available. Farm managers, factory managers, food technologists and marketing specialists are all careers that can be found in the poultry industry. Several agricultural colleges and universities run courses that specialise in poultry jobs, and further training in science degrees can open up an array of opportunity in the fields of agricultural graduate jobs.

The poultry industry offers a wealth of possible agricultural job vacancies, from hands-on farm work and livestock care, mechanical and engineering work, through to marketing, management, sales, and other senior and director level jobs.

You can find top senior level poultry jobs at www.agriRS.co.uk, the number one recruitment specialist in agriculture and a worldwide leader in farming, horticultural, agriculture, veterinary, and food production jobs, both in the UK and overseas.

Looking for a new role in the poultry industry, or looking for the perfect candidate for your poultry job? See www.agrirs.co.uk/contact-us Contact the friendly team at Agricultural Recruitment Specialists for a quality service and a range of vacancies or specialisms to suit you.