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Does an uncertain economy herald a new era for British farming?

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While all sectors are facing an uncertain future, the farming industry has been hit harder the most. The assumed loss of funding arising from Brexit has left many agricultural workers worried about their future. Although any loss of funding could have negative effects on farmers and landowners, there may be a flipside for the future of farming in the UK.

As farm owners face a potentially significant loss of funding, they are looking towards more dynamic and innovate ways of running their businesses. As a result, there may be new avenues for agricultural workers and more agricultural jobs than ever before.

For some farmers, a move towards more streamlined processes means increased demand for agricultural engineers and agricultural machinery workers. As in most industries, new technology has revolutionised the farming sector and changed the way farmers operate. While automation may replace some agricultural roles, it is bringing a whole new industry to light. Engineers are now specialising in the farming industry, with roles created to identify the needs of the farming community, design products accordingly and deliver them to the market.

With existing technology already changing the landscape of UK farming, the arrival of new, cutting-edge technological advancements looks set to modify the industry even further. Artificial intelligence is being trialled within farming communities in the Far East; with Thai farmers using technology to monitor their land in real-time and China is trialling the use of robots and drones to manage agriculture.

Drawing from the expertise of civil engineers, electrical engineers, computer specialists and telecommunications experts, solar-powered sensors are being used to collect data from land, enabling farmers to respond as needed. As the need for more technological solutions increases, the scope for agricultural engineers appears endless and, as a result, it’s a job market which is expected to flourish in the very near future.

Will increased demand for food production boost the agriculture industry?

The issue of agricultural funding has been a hot topic in the farming community, particularly as the consequences of Brexit begin to come to fruition. The issue of food production has been ever-present in the mainstream media in recent weeks, highlighting the concerns of the public and the government.

For UK farmers, an increased demand for food production could lead to fairer prices and higher sales volumes; thus increasing their turnover and profits. If farmers expand on to adjacent land or increase their production, they’re likely to require more assistance. For those who want to work on the land, the number of farm jobs, animal health jobs and livestock jobs could increase significantly. If so, the buoyant job market will be ideal for anyone who currently works in the industry or who wants to carve out a career in the agricultural sector.

While agricultural recruitment has always benefited landowners, managers and jobseekers alike, the use of industry-specific recruitment practices will be even more important as farmers aim to secure the best talent.

Could conservation help save farms?

For farmers who are worried about the future, conservation may be their saving grace. With suggestions of reduced funding in a post-Brexit era, farms which focus on conservation are likely to be eligible for the most domestic funding. Farms which can spare land and incorporate designated areas of conservation could help the environment and increase their own funding, for example. This area of agri-environmentalism has increased in popularity in recent years, and it’s not something which shows any signs of slowing down.

The Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) is shining a light on businesses which are increasing their conservation efforts, as well as their food production. With a positive response from the Government, workers who want to work in agricultural conservation are likely to see more jobs becoming available in the future. As well as full-time, in-house positions, the scope for agro-environmental consultants is also broadening, with many farmers requiring expertise and ideas from conservation experts.

Similarly, farms which are producing organic goods or who are incorporating more environmentally friendly ways of farming into their business are likely to be the first in line for any grants which do become available. As a result, these areas could see considerable job growth and candidates may see a rise in agricultural recruitment.

What does the future of British farming look like?

While Brexit seemed to be unequivocally negative for British farmers, business owners are finding innovative ways to overcome the challenges that leaving the EU will inevitably bring. The need for increased domestic food production is likely to lead to more and more farm jobs becoming available, with many farmers still reliant on labour-intensive farming methods in some areas.

Traditionally, many rural jobs in the agricultural industry are filled with migrant workers. If Brexit prevents European workers from travelling to the UK or makes it more difficult for them to do so, there are likely to be more vacancies and workers already in the UK could benefit. As farmers strive to respond to the increased demand for food production amongst a dwindling pool of workers, prospective candidates may have the opportunity to demand higher wages. For labourers and entry-level workers who want to gain experience on the land and build their career, this could be a great way to get started in the industry.

While the number of specialist engineering roles are also likely to increase, there are numerous areas in which agricultural recruitment is likely to expand. As automation continues to increase, more agricultural machinery jobs will become available as a result. Similarly, as new technology is brought to market, companies will want the expertise of experienced agricultural marketeers to sell their products to existing businesses.

With potential growth occurring in all areas of the industry, now is a good time for agricultural workers and those set on launching a career in farming. The combination of increased demand for production, artificial intelligence, more automation and increased remuneration for workers points to changing times within the farming community, and a buoyant market for those who can provide innovative solutions to the challenges we’ll face.

If you are looking to progress your career, Agricultural Recruitment Specialists are worldwide recruitment experts in agricultural, food, farming and rural recruitment and have a variety of executive and management positions available within agriculture, horticulture and the food and rural sectors throughout the UK and the rest of the world. To find out more about our agricultural job vacancies and discuss your future career, contact our team of agricultural recruitment professionals. You can visit our website here: www.agriRS.co.uk or call our team on: 01905 345 155 or email us at: info@agriRS.co.uk

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