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What can I do with my agricultural degree?

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As your final exams and graduation approach, you could be forgiven for wondering exactly what you can do with your agricultural degree in the modern world. Issues surrounding climate change, rearing livestock, deforestation, and poor land management, will have featured strongly throughout your course, so if you were initially driven to study agriculture because of plans to manage or own a dairy or sheep farm your mindset could well have altered.

The experts here at Agricultural Recruitment Specialists discuss three career pathways for graduates in this blog, and you'll find lots more valuable information and news posts on our website. Whether you want to work within the livestock and meat-producing sector, embark on a horticultural or growing career, or specialise in agricultural advice, take time to read our brief summaries of each role to discover whether they'd be suitable for you. We're always on the lookout for the brightest graduates in agriculture, horticulture, and veterinary science, and offer a variety of top paying, global jobs that can really ensure the highest level of work satisfaction. Browse our line up of current vacancies now to discover more about career openings in agriculture. You may discover just the right opening within a sector you'd never even considered before!

Livestock farmer and meat producer

First off, it's important to realise that good quality meat is likely to continue in high demand for the foreseeable future, although there could well be a backlash against the intensive farming that's prevalent in some countries. Nothing is more emblematic of the British countryside in summer than dozing cattle lowing in the sunny meadows. And this means there your skills, qualifications and livestock rearing and handling experience will still be a requirement in the UK. Couple this with great pasture and land management skills and you're on course to be one of the most highly demanded dairy farm managers around.

Horticulture, growing, and crop farming

All existing dietary research, however, is highlighting that individual consumers need to eat less meat and dairy and focus more attention on veggies and grains. Your agricultural degree will also be a valuable commodity within the arena of food production and growing. Feeding the world has never been so vital as it is now. Climate change means crops which were taken for granted could be in short supply, due to altering weather conditions. Take the recent shortages of cauliflower, lettuce, and potatoes in the UK, for example, and this is an issue that is impacting on agriculture in every area of the world. Farmers and growers that fail to adapt won't have crops to harvest, so keeping on top of the game and understanding all issues relative to localised climates will be important in finding the best horticultural and crop growing roles.

Agricultural consultancy

If you have a deep interest and expertise in rural affairs, kicking off an agricultural consultancy career could be an appealing option. If you lack the confidence to launch your own business straight away, working as an adviser for an existing consultancy could be the way to start off your working life. As well as all-round agricultural expertise, it's essential you have deep knowledge of the business aspects and any legal impacts of the advice you give.

Agricultural advisers and consultants offer advice to a variety of clients, including:

- Landowners
- Farmers
- Growers
- Public organisations and wildlife trusts
- Conservation bodies
- Food producers and agricultural service providers

As the above list indicates, agricultural consultants will probably need to specialise across a variety of sectors, but the technical and business advice provided needs to be accurate and based on the latest science. Just some of the advice you'll need to provide includes:

- Details about agronomy
- Information on the environment and local conservation concerns
- Livestock data and feed and nutrition issues
- Waste management and all the legal issues surrounding this area
- Agricultural and horticultural business planning
- Financial advice and management information for farm managers and large estates
- HR issues and the latest personnel management advice

Working as an agricultural adviser and consultant can be an extremely rewarding career, as it means getting out and about and visiting different clients in their working environments. This role offers lots of opportunities for graduates to continue their learning and develop specialist skills that are in high demand in lots more working environments. For example, if your work entails helping farmers and potential growers develop business plans and handle specialist planning and financial grant applications, this role can be expanded into areas outside agriculture or even into more of a financial services role within the national farming framework.

Of course, the skills and attributes associated with senior advisory and consultancy roles also mean this career path can be extremely lucrative for high performing graduates.

Voluntary work overseas

One way to build your expertise within your chosen field of agriculture and broaden your horizons at the same time is to embark on volunteer projects. You'll find voluntary work here in the UK, but working overseas can be an eye-opening career move and also give you more ideas for embarking on different career pathways.

You'll find lots of voluntary jobs advertised in the national farming press; both in the UK and overseas.

If you're looking for work in the agricultural sector, Agricultural Recruitment Specialists can help you find the right niche in the UK, Europe and beyond. We can assist in finding which doors are open for you with your specific background and even advice on what you could do to improve your prospects.

Agricultural Recruitment Specialists are worldwide recruitment experts in agricultural, food, farming and rural recruitment and have a variety of executive and management positions available within agriculture, horticulture and the food and rural sectors throughout the UK and the rest of the world. To find out more about our agricultural job vacancies and discuss your future career, contact our team of agricultural recruitment professionals. You can visit our website here: www.agriRS.co.uk or call our team on: 01905 345 155 or email us at: info@agriRS.co.uk

Alternatively, if you are a client looking to expand your team, whilst using a professional recruitment / headhunting solution, then please call us today on 01905 345155 or email us at: info@agriRS.co.uk