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Tech-Focused Agriculture Jobs

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Tech-focused Farming Careers

Technology in farming is commonly known as Agri Tech. Agri Tech encompasses the change of traditional farming techniques, driving the use of technology to transition towards more sustainable and efficient practices. It’s not just a buzzword but a fundamental shift in how we approach the entire food production chain, from the use of drones to GPS and sensors. 

If you look at farming twenty years ago and compare it to modern farming, you’re going to see a huge difference. Technology has changed every aspect of our lives, and this is no different when it comes to the agricultural industry. Significant technological advancements have made farming more efficient, cost-effective, and even more environmentally friendly.

The Benefits of Technology in Agriculture

Here are just some of the benefits that technology has on farming:

  • Enhanced Efficiency in Farming:Leveraging technology to optimise every aspect of farming, leading to more efficient use of time and resources.

  • Improved Resource Management: Precision agriculture allows for the tailored use of water, pesticides, and fertilizers, significantly reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

  • Increased Crop Yield: Advanced technologies enable farmers to boost production by understanding and meeting the specific needs of each crop.

  • Worker Safety: Automation and robotics reduce the need for manual labor in dangerous conditions, enhancing safety for farm workers.

  • Economic Benefits:Cost savings from efficient resource use and increased production rates lower the prices for consumers and increase profitability for farmers.

  • Consumer Advantages: Lower costs of production can be passed on to consumers, making food more affordable.

  • Sustainability: Reduced waste and smarter resource use contribute to more sustainable farming practices, preserving resources for future generations.

  • Market Expansion: Technology in agriculture opens new markets and opportunities for innovation, benefiting processors, distributors, and marketers.

The benefits of advancements in agro-centered technology are countless and have done everything from making farming more efficient to increasing worker safety. One of the main benefits to consider is how much technology has helped us manage resources – where farmers used to use the same amount of water, pesticide, and fertiliser across a field, this can now be adjusted to suit the requirements of each crop. Instead of wasting too much water, farmers can use the minimum amount required and use different amounts of fertiliser for different plants. This not only preserves scarce resources, but also allows individual crops to thrive.

Needless to say, this also results in financial gain. However, this isn’t limited to the farmers – the lower cost can be passed on to consumers as well. Automation and the use of robots has also increased production rates and lowered prices, resulting in a more efficient system overall. Every step of the process benefits from this, including farm workers, processors, those working in distribution, and even marketers.

Livestock Technology

Technology isn’t usually associated with animal farming, but this is slowly changing. Technology is now being embraced and examples of livestock technology include tracking livestock, handling security, improving nutrition, and more.

Technology in genomics has also helped influence decisions regarding growth and development. Genetic risks are reduced, illnesses are caught earlier, and data can be collected.

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

Precision agriculture, also known as smart farming, is gaining traction in the agricultural industry because of its potential to increase output while reducing production costs. Data about crop yields and weather patterns can be used to determine actions. This can help farmers make decisions about where to farm, which crops to plant, and even determine the best time to do so.

Technology is essential when it comes to precision farming since it helps to control almost every single variable, ranging from soil conditions and pest stress to moisture levels. Data insights, techniques, and improved technology have bettered the agricultural industry by maximising efficiency and lowering costs. In fact, precision farming is expected to reach $43.4 billion (£31.6 billion)by 2025.

Listen to our podcast with guest Ciarán Murphy, from DeLaval, on "The Role of AI in the Dairy Industry and What it Means for the Future of Farming":


Biologicals in agriculture include everything from pesticides to fertilisers. This global market includes many opportunities in research and development as well as manufacturing.


Greenhouses are no longer small-scale facilities – they’re now larger, more sophisticated, and are flourishing because of new agricultural technology. From Vertical Farming, LED lights to automated environments, there is a lot of technology included in modern greenhouses.

Automation and Robotics

One way this is being used is through indoor vertical farming. Lack of space in cities and other urban areas necessitate making the most of any given space. This is where indoor vertical farming comes in – crops are grown one above another to save horizontal space and capitalize on vertical space.

Since these setups don’t require soil and are hydroponic or aeroponic, automation is used to supply nutrients, water, and more. This also doesn’t require natural sunlight, and artificial grow lights are often used instead. Although the processes may be automated, this creates jobs in manufacturing, design, installation, and more.

When it comes to robotics, there are tons of jobs available in development and research. Robotics can be used to develop drone technology suited for agriculture, automated water and harvesting, and autonomous tractors. Because this particular sector of the agricultural industry is fairly new, the job market is ripe for fresh talent.  

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing in agriculture has helped create jobs in the SaaS (software as a service) sector. Business applications, applications specific to farming, budgeting applications and more can completely transform farming and make it more efficient than ever before.

In addition to these programs, there is also potential for analytics, weather forecasting, and cross-platform integration. All of this doesn’t just create jobs in software development – it also creates managerial positions, factory work for specialised machinery, experts who focus on integrating technology by training individuals, and more.

Security, RFID, and Tracking

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a great tool for tracking livestock. This includes not only location, but also health checks, monitoring health, managing databases, and preventing counterfeiting.

Finding Tech-Based Agricultural Jobs

Technological advancement in agriculture has resulted in innovation such as crop imaging, automation, artificial intelligence, and more. Since the sector is ever-growing, now is the perfect time to consider a tech-based agricultural job.

In order to progress your career, you should avoid stagnation and aim for growth. This is where Agricultural Recruitment Specialists come in. You no longer have to settle for a job – you deserve your dream job, and we can help you find it.

Because we work in the United Kingdom, Europe, and even recruit globally, location doesn’t matter – we cover it all. We also cover jobs at all levels, ranging from beginners all the way to senior and executive positions. If you’re interested in advancing your career, use our job search option to find a job that is perfect for you. However, if a more personalized approach is more suitable, that’s no problem either – contact us here and we can get started.

Agricultural Recruitment Specialists aren’t just limited to finding jobs – we’re also headhunters and specialise in global agriculture recruitment. If you’re looking for the perfect candidate for an open position, we can help – click here to learn more.

Further Reading: