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How to Get a Job in Farm Management

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Agriculture is a diverse field with several opportunities for people to choose from for their careers. Additionally, the scope has increased so extensively over the past couple of decades that the industry has started needing more positions to be filled in order to manage the workload.

Farm management is a field within the agriculture industry that has become increasingly popular in the UK. Due to the higher interest in the field, we have prepared a guide to help you understand the significance and have a basic idea about starting a farm management career.

Responsibilities of a Farm Manager

The first thing every interested party should know about when pursuing this avenue is the roles and responsibilities of a farm manager. Farm managers are responsible for staff supervision, crop and machinery management, sales, forecasting, and budget allocations. The following activities are included in their scope of work:

  • Evaluating patterns for livestock and crops and determining planting quotas.

  • Budget considerations and management. Optimal allocation of funds to ensure the smooth running of operations.

  • Managing harvest collection and transport.

  • Supervising fertiliser, seed, and insecticide purchases. Planning changes based on needs and ensuring the availability of these resources.

  • Operating farm machinery.

  • Managing sales and vendor and client relations.

  • Analysing farm operations and determining areas of improvement.

  • Enforcing SOPs and meeting regulatory requirements.

    The responsibilities of farm managers have evolved due to the increasing scale of farming operations and are likely to continue evolving as farming changes due to new technologies and more.

Why is Farm Management an Important Career Choice?

While the increase in job opportunities in the sector has affected farm management’s popularity, the field is significant for several reasons. There are two main reasons why farm management is crucial for the present and the future;

1.      An Essential Service

Farming and agriculture jobs play a vital role in food production and supply, making the field an essential service. Given the scope of a farm manager's responsibilities, it is easy to conclude that their contributions count as an essential service.

2.      Earning Potential

Farm management jobs have a high earning potential and there is extensive scope for growth within this area. After spending several years in the field and getting the necessary experience, farm managers can rise in the ranks or become consultants for other businesses.

Therefore, you will benefit while you are a farm manager; you will also get the opportunity to have incredible future career opportunities.

How to Get into Farm Management

Given how significant and lucrative the field is, it makes sense for people to want to explore the field, especially if they already have related passions. You will need to follow the steps mentioned below to kick-start your farm management career and develop it.

1.      Get a Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture or Related Field

Academically, you will need to pursue a bachelor’s degree in one of the off-shoots of agriculture. If you have your heart set on entering farm management, you can get a farm management degree or widen your scope by exploring agribusiness, agricultural engineering, animal science, crop management, etc.

This degree will give you the basic knowledge to understand the field and its dynamics in order to help you excel in your career.

2.      Do an Internship at a Farm (optional)

Although this step is optional, interning at a farm during your studies can boost your exposure, contacts, knowledge and experience. It will help you connect your studies with practical experience and understand what professional life will look like. Having some experience on farm can definitely make you more employable when compared to someone with no on-farm experience.

Internships are also a great way to expand your network. Knowing professionals in the industry will be helpful after you graduate and are looking for job opportunities.

3.      Start at an Entry-Level Position

Once you graduate, you should look for and start working at an entry level position. Becoming a farm manager will take some time and experience. Therefore, make sure you spend your earlier years learning as much as possible and offering your best performance. Sometimes employers will advertise "Trainee Farm Manager" or "Trainee Farm Worker" positions, so that you can get your foot in the door.

4.      Develop Your Skills

To transition from a junior role to a management role, you must pass a few examinations and get certified. Aside from your knowledge of agriculture, farm management also requires marketing and budgeting expertise.

You will also be responsible for communicating with clients and vendors, which means you will need communication skills in your arsenal as well. Although you can learn these skills on the job, it also helps to take official courses, so you have a physical certificate attesting to your proficiency. These also make you more appealing if you have qualifications on your CV when applying to jobs.

5.      Obtain Professional Memberships

Although it is not mandatory, becoming a member of a professional body in the agriculture industry will help you widen your network. The Institute of Agricultural Management (IAgrM) and National Farmers' Union (NFU) are two main bodies in the UK that help people collaborate, network and communicate.

Being a member of the body will add credibility and will help you to connect prove your position and experience if you decide to explore international opportunities in the industry.

How Agricultural Recruitment Specialists Can Help

Agricultural Recruitment Specialists focuses specifically on agriculture and farming related recruitment and have lots of years of experience in the industry. Our job portal excels at matching candidate skills to job requirements, allowing the most compatible set of candidates to connect with an employer for the job posting.

If you are looking for a job or need to recruit employees for your agriculture-related business, you can find the best solutions through visiting our website. If you are a student in the field, you can look for the best internships or trainee jobs available and apply to gain more work experience.

Final Thoughts

Farm management offers some of the best agricultural jobs and career development, as well as giving you as job with lots of variety. If you are passionate about farming, you will need a agriculture related degree and relevant work experience to become a farm manager.

If you already have a degree, start applying now or contact us if you have any inquiries. Our teams will respond to your query as soon as possible.